Monthly Archives: September 2018

Visit the Kverneland website here With over 125 years of experience and innovation, Kverneland agricultural products have been at the forefront of technological developments in disc and drum mowers, mower conditioners, rakes and tedders, electronic metering and calibration of fertiliser spreaders and ISOBUS technology.

Maschio is the largest manufacturer of PTO driven equipment in the world offering a range of power harrows, rotary hoes, cultivators and mulchers.

Great Plains
The acquisition of Simba International in the UK by Great Plains in 2010 brought together the product innovation, expertise, experience and knowledge of two of the world’s leading brands in tillage and drilling equipment. Today Great Plains is the largest, privately owned agricultural tillage and seeding manufacturing company in the States, with a commitment to meeting the changing needs of arable farmers throughout the world driving the ongoing development of new products

Built with the aim of producing the “WORLD’S BEST ROTARY HOE,” Celli proudly produces some of the world’s finest rotary hoes, spikes rotors and power harrows. Their superior product standards, notable reliability and worldwide outstanding parts and service have always been the basis for Celli’s success worldwide, and in New Zealand since 1985.

James Engineering Ltd specialises in soil aeration machinery, however we also build high quality mole ploughs, pipe-layers and heavy duty rippers. An increasing export market also indicates the high quality and competitiveness of our no compromise Kiwi built machinery.

KUHN has been the unrivalled leader in hay-making equipment for more than 40 years. Its mowing machines and tedders are world famous for their quality of work, performance, reliability and longevity. Harvesting high quality fodder and return on investment are core issues and therefore provide the focus for KUHN’s innovations. KUHN also offers a range of reliable products for harvesting hay, silage and wrapped bales.

Rata Industries of Winchester, Timaru has built its success on knowing what works best for New Zealand farmers. For over thirty years they have designed and manufactured tractor attachments that take much of the hard slog and drudgery out of farming, and giving every farmer the best partner for their machine, to suit every task from handling hay to ploughing paddocks.

Each planter leaves our factory fully calibrated with more than 50 years of engineering expertise and over 30 years of North American research and development in every component of every row unit, down to the nuts and bolts. Our track record speaks to the Engineering Advantage of owning a Monosem® planter:

Maschio Gaspardo is an international Group, leader in the production of agricultural equipment for tillage, seeding, crop care, green maintenance and hay making. The Group produces a wide range of rotary tillers, power harrows, mulchers, precision planters, cereal seed drills, combination cultivator-drills, flail-mowers, ploughs, minimum tillage, spraying and hay making equipment.

As part of the Kverneland Group agricultural manufacturing company, Accord Seed and Precision Drills offer perfect seeding for a variety of crops with optimum seed distribution and seed placement.

The APV is a universal Pneumatic seeder that can be fitted to a range of power harrows, hoes, roller drills and weeders offering a cost effective means of establishing crops with reduced cultivation passes. Featuring an electronically driven metering system the seed is delivered through plastic tubing to dispersion plates, where it then spreads accurately into the air current generated by electric fans – even in windy conditions.

Aitchison Industries was also founded in 1972 in Wanganui and specializes in manufacture of seed drills and fertilizer spreaders. The company has introduced many new innovations over the years including the now world famous inverted T-slot booth that Peter Aitchison , the company founder, attached to a tine to create a very effective direct seeding system. The product lineup now includes a comprehensive range of seed drills, Agripsred fertilizer spreaders, cultivators and aerators.

Based in Canada, Jaylor manufactures feed mixer wagons based on a tried and proven patented design. The use of a Jaylor mixer wagons can improve overall animal health and increase milk production.

McHale manufacture a range of fixed and variable chamber round balers, square and round bale wrappers, the Fusion integrated or combination baler wrapper and a range of round bale handling, bale splitting and silage & maize block cutting equipment.

Schuitemaker have been manufacturing and selling professional equipment for agricultural use, such as chop loader wagons and manure spreaders for over 90 years.

Krone, manufacturing modern forage harvesting equipment to the highest quality standards and at competitive prices at the small village of Spelle in northern Germany, is committed to continuously push the efficiency of farm machinery to ever higher levels. It is the right blend of innovation, expertise and customer focus that has made Krone one of the German market leaders and the long-term market leader in disc mowers and round balers. The full product range comprises disc mowers, tedders, rotor rakes, forage wagons as well as round and square balers and includes the two SF harvesters Big M and Big X. Big M is a high-capacity mower conditioner that works at widths of 13.20 m. The Big X precision-chop forage harvester is currently the world’s most powerful forage harvester. Krone markets Big X in various power bands that range from 500 hp to more than 1,000 hp.

KUHN has been the unrivalled leader in hay-making equipment for more than 40 years. Its mowing machines and tedders are world famous for their quality of work, performance, reliability and longevity. Harvesting high quality fodder and return on investment are core issues and therefore provide the focus for KUHN’s innovations. KUHN also offers a range of reliable products for harvesting hay, silage and wrapped bales.

Bertolini Sprayers
BA Pumps & Sprayers, formerly known as Bertolini Australasia, is a Kiwi, family-owned business that has been running for more than 30 years. We are specialist suppliers and manufacturers of agricultural, horticultural and industrial equipment including pumps, sprayers, spreaders and more. Our dedicated team brings together years of experience in manufacturing and importing a large range of agricultural sprayers and accessories, creating spraying solutions for broadacre, viticulture, horticulture and turf industries. We strive to provide the best high-quality products and service to our wide range of customers through our extensive dealer network that spans the length of New Zealand.

With over 325 years of innovation and passion, Husqvarna provides professionals with forest, park and garden products. We let high performance meet usability and safety, making you ready to get the job done efficiently. Husqvarna offers a wide and growing range of products and accessories, including everything from chainsaws and power cutters to robotic lawn mowers.

Mcintosh Range
McIntosh Farm Machinery manufactures agricultural machines including Forage Wagons, Tip Trailers, Manure Spreaders, and Bale Feeders for New Zealand and Australia. McIntosh Farm Machinery has been designing and manufacturing quality farm and agricultural machinery throughout New Zealand and Australia for over 60 years. McIntosh Farm Machinery is known for its engineering, innovation, strength and performance, making our products long lasting and reliable. McIntosh Farm Machinery products include: Forage Wagons (Silage Wagon/Feedout Wagon) Tip Trailers Manure Spreaders (Muck Spreader) Bale Feeders Beater Wagons Manure Spreaders Here at McIntosh we pride ourselves on the strength of our farm machinery, clever engineering, and outstanding back up service. With over 60 years in the business we know how to make great farm machinery and we only provide products to trusted dealers throughout New Zealand and Australia.